Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings

Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings By Maeve Maddox One of the more interesting aspects of the changes that take place in English from generation to generation is the fact that as spellings change to conform to modern usage, some of the old forms stick around with different connotations or meanings. Two words for angel that came into English from Hebrew have plural forms ending in -im: cherub/cherubim and seraph/seraphim. In angel lore, a seraph is a fiery six-winged angel who guards Gods throne. A cherub ranks just below a seraph and has two large wings, a human head, and animal body. A cherub is the guardian of a sacred place. Seraph has not entered into general use, but in modern English cherub refers to the image of a pretty Cupid-like child with wings, or to the little faces with wings one sees as architectural decorations. A child with a beautiful, innocent face can be called a cherub. For these modern uses the plural of cherub is cherubs. The earlier plural of brother was brethren, a form still seen in the King James version of the Bible and still to be found in sermons and some religious writing. It suggests spiritual kinship. The plural fishes for fish has a kind of Biblical ring to it, as in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Pence as the plural of penny is still used in Britain while Americans say pennies. The word dice is the plural of die: a cube with spots used in gaming. Die can also refer to an instrument used in manufacturing. The plural of that kind of die is dies. Some other words with more than one plural form: formula formulas formulae: The Latin plural formulae is often preferred by scientific writers. index indexes indices: The plural indices has a specialized mathematical meaning (a number or symbol or expression written to the left or right of and above or below or otherwise associated with another number or symbol or expression to indicate use or position in an arrangement or expansion or to indicate a mathematical operation to be performed). staff staffs staves: The plural staffs is the modern choice, whether youre talking about a group of workers or a stick used as a walking aid. If youre writing an historical novel, however, Robin Hood and Little John would fight with staves. The word stave occurs as a singular musical term. It is also the word for one of the strips of wood used to make a barrel. The plural of stave is staves. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T""Replacement for" and "replacement of"How to Punctuate Introductory Phrases

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How does J B Priestley create atmosphere and tension in Act I of An Inspector Calls Essay Example

How does J B Priestley create atmosphere and tension in Act I of An Inspector Calls Essay Example How does J B Priestley create atmosphere and tension in Act I of An Inspector Calls Essay How does J B Priestley create atmosphere and tension in Act I of An Inspector Calls Essay Essay Topic: Literature J. B Priestleys play, An Inspector Calls, includes many techniques to create tension. Written in 1945, but set before the first world war, irony is present as Priestley subtly mocks the audience, as he uses Birling to explore the faults of capitalism. In 1946, when the play was first performed, the stereotypical spectator to the post-war play would have been those typically of Birlings societal class. In contrast to his own personal beliefs, Priestley creates Birling to be a strict capitalist, common to the period in which the play was set. Dramatic irony is established as the audience know the outcomes of Birlings ignorant predictions in Act I Scene I. Priestley wrote the play to show the divisions between the classes before the war, and the general middle class persons disposition; ignorant, impatient, and selfish. Priestley manipulates stage directions, such as lighting, props and setting to create tension. As an example of this, in the primary scene, as the Inspector enters, the lighting is brighter, as though the family are under spot light interrogation. Characterisation, the integration between characters and how we perceive them, as well as the language they use, can create tensional suspense by revealing only elements of an individuals personality at a time. This is also aided by the actions and gestures performed by the specific character. Act I Scene I depicts the family having, what seems like, an ordinary family party. An Inspector visits them to enquire about a young girl that committed suicide, and it rapidly becomes evident that the entire family will be involved somehow. The interview stretches from Birling, to Sheila, and is about to commence on Gerald, when the act is left on a cliff hanger. In contrast to the reality of the Birlings family life, the initial lighting is intimate and soft. This also conflicts with the characterisation of the individuals, as Mrs Birling is described as a cold woman, and suggests that she doesnt assimilate with the surroundings. The lighting is stressed to be pink and intimate, as Sheila and Gerald are seemingly passionately in love. The celebration is kept to a minimum of family, and the lighting can reflect the care and affection shared between all on set. As the Inspector enters the room, the lighting becomes brighter and harder. This could suggest the Inspectors strong will and determination to succeed in his case. This seems to create an uneasy atmosphere, as Birlings selfishness contributes to his lack of enthusiasm in aiding the Inspector in his job. The opening stage directions and setting of the scene establishes the wealth of the family, but also uncovers the atmosphere of societal tension. The descriptions of the characters, Birling being a portentous man, provincial in his speech, Mrs Birling simply being a cold woman suggests that it is her that is the societal superior. The pressure of society on people of the Edwardian era is evident as the wealth of the family is constantly reinforced; the Birlings house is depicted as a large suburban house. The cigar box present in the opening settings is also an indication of wealth. The furnishings and general atmosphere of the house is described to be heavily comfortably, but not cosy and homelike. This is intimidating for any potential visitors like the Inspector, though he doesnt seem fazed, and tension is created through juxtaposition, as the words comfortable and cosy, typically used as synonyms of one another, are used in contrast with each other. The creation of Inspector Goole is mysterious from the beginning, as the name Goole is a homophone to the word ghoul. The audience instantaneously perceives the Inspector as fake or unreal. This use of language device could also initiate an air of secrecy about him, which is added to by the fact that the picture of Eva Smith is never shown to the audience, and is only visible to one character at a time. Through this, he adds pace and tension to the play, which creates intrigue for the audience. The stage directions of the moment that the Inspector enters say that he creates at once impression of massiveness and solidity. Although he is not especially tall or prominent, the Inspector has a sense of intensity about him, making him intimidating. The audience can tell from this that tension will be created between the characters of Birling and the Inspector, as they are, for different reasons, mutually intolerant of time-wasting; both the Inspector and Birling wish for the interrogation to be over quickly, as the Inspector wants his information and Birling wants to resume his celebratory evening. Tension is built up between the pair when Birling persists in cutting in to the Inspector. Additionally, whereas Birling is acquiring an angrier tone throughout the interview, the Inspector has a steady ambience all the way through. Birling has an entirely different relationship with his son-in law Gerald, though. Birling is almost sucking up to Gerald, as he and Geralds father are in the same business. He even states that Gerald could have done better for himself than Sheila. This shows some cracks in the family unit, and reveals Birlings desperation for success. Sheila and Geralds relationship also sparks some tension within the household. Its is obvious that their relationship lacks the bonding and trust it should possess, seeing as they are engaged. Sheila says Now I really feel engaged on receiving the ring, suggesting that she didnt feel like that before. This is also collaborated when Sheila mentions last summer, when she didnt see Gerald much. He says he was on business, to which she replies Thats what you say. Gerald goes on to admit his guilt near to the end of the act, but insists that that the Inspector doesnt have to know about it. The Inspectors intelligence goes further than he is currently letting on, which Sheila is aware of, so she replies (laughs ysterically) he knows Youll see. Youll see. The Inspector creates an atmosphere in the house, by simply doing his job, and exposing the faults of each individual character. He identifies Sheilas temper and jealousy when he reveals the story of Sheilas involvement in his case. He also uncovers Geralds infidelity, separating the fantasy from the reality in terms of the perfect, high class family. It seems as though the family members are exploring each others personalities as much as the Inspector is, which creates an uneasy atmosphere, as they all discover something about the others that they wish they hadnt. The timing of Inspector Gooles arrival is also atmospheric. Just as Birling is telling Gerald that a man has to look after himself and his own, the Inspector appears to show him the result of people living that way; a girl loses her job twice and kills herself. The audience can also perceive how the characters react to the photo, and to themselves, as a further indication of the personality of the character, and their involvement in the suicide of the girl. Subtle hints given by Priestley also play a part in producing atmosphere and tension. From early on in the play, the atmosphere seems slightly false or forced, just as when Birling informs Gerald that he is too good for his daughter. Gerald replies that both he and he parents are very happy with the engagement, therefore it is interesting for the audience that Lord and Lady Croft did not attend the engagement party. It is also obvious from the first act that Eric is nervous about something, as he is drinking quite heavily, and what little he does say, is irritable. The simile like bees in a hive is used to describe Birlings contempt for equality; the imagery symbolises everyone working together and being the same as one another. Bees also sting, so this is suggesting that he thinks equality and working together can have a negative effect. Birling continues by calling a socialist society nonsense, also proving his disdain for equality. This could create tension between the characters and the audience. Language devices are used to explore tension in Act 1. Dramatic irony is a dominant device, present throughout the act. It is established as the audience know the outcomes of Birlings ignorant predictions in Act I Scene I. Declarations that the Titanic was unsinkable and that in his opinion, there is no chance of war were dissimilar from the reality, as the audience would have already experienced. This gives the audience an advantage and gets them more involved. Structure of the play adds slight tension, but also realism, to the text, as people dont always wait for the other person to finish. Birling practises this frequently, for example, when he cuts off the Inspector to reinforce his innocence. Birlings monologue also tells the audience a lot about him, as he shows his stupidity and ignorance throughout. Birling attempts to show his knowledge in his speech, along with his importance, but the outcome has the completely opposite effect, as the audience merely think him ignorant. The climax aids the tension of the act by leaving a cliff hanger and creating suspense. The Inspector says Well? to Sheila and Gerald after they have had a discussion outside, and discovered Geralds deceitfulness. It was almost as if the Inspector knew what they were discussing, and was waiting for them to uncover it themselves. This adds to the atmosphere because it seems like the Inspector knows all that he needs to, he is simply trying to make the family realise that just because they have money, doesnt mean they are any different to anyone else of a lower class. In conclusion, J. B Priestley uses many techniques to create atmosphere and tension in Act I Scene I. Stage directions are used by, for instance, Birling, as he shows his true character by interrupting others and possessing an angry tone. Lighting is used to symbolise the change of mood and presence, adjusting to the new balance of characters onstage. The Inspector himself brings a number of unanswered questions with him, some unconnected to his case, with his name and manner. The language and actions also contribute to the shift of atmosphere in the scene, by revealing extensions of each character bit by bit. Subtle hints from Priestly, alongside the climax of the scene, bring additional tension and suspense, as the audience can get involved with whats going on. The details of the scene are what really consume the audience, enveloping them with interest and intrigue, so they can perceive events how they wish, to generate tension of their own.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Relative Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Relative Theory - Essay Example earth-bound existence) – can be regarded as tenable. This gave rise to a controversy because in classical mechanics a free fall in a non-gravitational field is known as ‘inertial motion’, i.e. there is no external force applied on the object. But gravity is a force. Therefore, classical mechanics holds the view that ‘inertial objects moving through space cannot accelerate with respect to each other’. Now we come to the crux of the problem – how to reconcile the two seemingly incompatible theoretical postulates? Einstein next proposed an alternative theory in which he argued that the space-time continuum is curved. His subsequent field equations relate the curvature of space-time to the mass, energy and the momentum within it. Hence his famous equation: Now I will come to the point in the article. So called â€Å"Grandfather paradox† is directly related to the same â€Å"traveler-homebody† paradox here. Since space-time curvature as suggested by Einstein would allow us to solve the seemingly irreconcilable twin paradox presented in this article, it might be pertinent here to examine all probabilities of the theory. According to the Grandfather paradox a time traveler who goes back in time will be able to kill his biological grandfather before the latter meets the time traveler’s grandmother so that one of his parents might not be conceived. Logically, this means that he himself might not be born. Now comes the real paradox. Since the time traveler did not go back in time, his grandfather was not killed. Therefore one of his parents was born thus enabling him or her to meet the other. Finally, the time traveler was born. The homebody finds out to his amazement that his brother is now four years younger than him. The logical sequence of events should provide an equally logical outcome. Now let’s look at what the Doppler effect has to offer us by way of an explanation. According to the Doppler effect â€Å"waves that propagate in a